Friday, March 11, 2016

Week Five

This week I completed my poll and finalized the 3 portfolios that will play key roles for my research in the next few months. I may poll a few more people, as it is better to have a larger group of subjects.
My next steps will be to meet with my on-site advisor and then possibly move into the online portal that my advisor had granted me access to.


  1. Hi Dylan. I was wondering how you determined who you would poll? Did you ask randomly, or did you have a predetermined group of people you wanted to survey?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Vanessa, I surveyed mostly people who I am familiar with. I interviewed friends, family members, and teachers. However, I set a specific age bracket so that I can diversify my subject group.

  4. Hi Dylan. I would like to be a part of your poll. Can we set that up or have you moved on from the data collection phase entirely? Thanks.
